Metaphysics: Problem of Reality
Metaphysics is that branch of philosophy what deals with the
problems of reality. It discusses the theories on nature of reality like
idealism and materialism; theories on number of realities like monism, dualism
and pluralism; theories on nature of life like mechanism, vitalism etc. It also
discusses some abstract concepts like God, soul, will, space-time, mind-body
relation and so on.
Branches of Metaphysics
There are two branches of metaphysics.
1. Cosmology
2. Ontology
2. Ontology
Cosmology is that branch of metaphysics what deals with the
origin and development of the universe. What is the basic stuff of universe?
How the universe has been developed? etc. are the basic cosmological questions.
Matter, motion, space, time etc. are the dealing issues of cosmology.
Ontology is that branch of metaphysics what deals with the
problem of being. It is the study of essence of things. What is the basic stuff
of world or anything? How many basic stuff or essence are there? etc. are the
basic ontological questions. Basic stuff, God, soul etc. are the dealing issues
of ontology.
A metaphysical discussion can be both cosmological and
ontological. For example, discussion of the basic stuff of the universe. It is
cosmological as it is about origin of the world and it is ontological as it is
about the essence of the world.
Idealism and Materialism
Idealism and Materialism are theories on nature of reality.
According to idealism, the basic stuff of the universe is idea or spirit or
mind. It is different from epistemic idealism. And according to materialism the
basic stuff of the universe is matter.
Monism, Dualism and Pluralism
Monism, Dualism and Pluralism are theories
on number of realities. For monism basic stuff is one, for dualism basic stuff
are two and for pluralism basic stuff are more than two. A monist or dualist or
pluralist can be idealist or materialist.
Mechanism and Vitalism
Mechanism and Vitalism are theories on
nature of life. How life behaves in this world? According to
mechanism everything is running mechanically, life is working like a machine. On the other hand according to vitalism there
are something vital force as the basis of the life.
Philosophy of religion, philosophy of
mind, philosophy of science freedom of the will etc. are also dealing issues of
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