Philosophy: An Introduction
What Is Philosophy
It is assumed that the word philosophy is derived from two Greek
words phileo and sophia. Phileo means love and sophia means wisdom. So, the
lexical meaning of philosophy is love of wisdom. Wisdom is not mere information
rather understanding or realization of things. To achieve wisdom, philosophers ask some fundamental question
and try to answer them rationally. So, philosophy is the rational investigation
of fundamental problems of human and universe.
Branches of Philosophy
There are three major
branches of philosophy. Such as:
1. Metaphysics; the study
of reality
2. Epistemology; the study
of knowledge
3. Axiology; the study of
Some opine that there
four branches of philosophy and the last one is:
4. Logic; the Study of argumentMetaphysics
Metaphysics is that branch of philosophy what deals with the
problems of reality. It discusses the theories on nature of life like mechanism and vitalism, theories on nature of reality like idealism and materialism;
theories on number of realities like monism, dualism and pluralism. It also
discusses some abstract concepts like god, soul, will, space-time, mind-body
relation and so on. Cosmology and ontology are two types of metaphysics.
Epistemology is that branch of philosophy what deals with the
problems of knowledge. It Discusses theories regarding sources of knowledge
like rationalism, empiricism, intuitionism etc.; nature of knowledge like
idealism and realism; limitation of knowledge like skepticism and agnosticism;
theories for validity of knowledge like correspondence, coherence, pragmatic and
so on.
Axiology is that branch of philosophy what deals with the
problems of value. It is concerned about actions, arguments and many other
things of human being. There are three branches of axiology such as ethics i.e.
study of actions, logic i.e. study of argument and aesthetics i.e. study of beauty.
Some regard logic as an exclusive branch of philosophy.
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